Friday, June 02, 2006

hairy proceedings

My 'hair'ball idea did not work out as well as I would have liked. I really wanted to let my natural blonde come back. I was looking forward to it getting even lighter in the sun and also not having to worry about roots showing, color fading, or the hassle of re-dying my hair. But alas, I was thwarted!

Now, don’t get me wrong – I love having dark hair. It is so fun to know that people do not even know it is dyed. Also, I like the way people interact with me when my hair is dark. I know it sounds crazy, but it is true. When I am blonde, people assume I am less intelligent. When I am a brunette, well - people just take me more seriously. I do not blame them for this though; even I am guilty of taking blondes less seriously … I know I should be ashamed!

Can I just make a suggestion to hair-dying home kits? Please please please, if the manufactures know that it is going to turn hair (while it is “soaking”), hands and water this color, could they indicate that it is normal instead of freaking out poor unsuspecting hair dyers? My goodness, talk about giving me a heart attack! While it did turn out okay, I was nervous the whole 20 minutes it was on my head that I would look like a clown and have to call into work in order to have it professionally fixed.

So, it still needs to calm down in order for it to look more natural, but it turned out all right. Maybe one day I will revive the blonde … especially since dark hair dye is supposed to contribute to bladder cancer.


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