Friday, June 09, 2006


I wonder frequently how I can be most influential in my everyday life and also professionally. I wonder which type of job would allow me the most leverage into others’ lives. It is not that I want to manipulate people – no no, the farthest thing from it. But I do want to impact people and leave with them the sweet aroma of my Jesus to linger in their lives forever.

I question whether or not getting my phd will help me very much in the long run. Could I not spend my time some other way that would be more beneficial and less taxing? For me, the world of phd is not only intimidating, but also feels confining. That is 4-5 years that I could be doing ANYTHING else. I feel like if I go for it, I should have a better reason it just seeming like the logical next step. But – yet – it is logical and I do enjoy teaching and learning … and I could learn stuff that I could use for God … but … but … but … I don’t know.

One exciting thing I was thinking about the other day is this – if I were to even teach at the smallest of campus settings, I could interact with 125 students per semester – 300 students per academic year (not including any type of lecture classes that would range from 50-200 students per class). That is pretty significant and not anything to turn my nose up at.


At 1:48 AM, Blogger B-Go said...

hey! i found your blog!

i didn't know you were thinking about getting your phD... that's exciting (either way--whether you go for it or not).

you seem to have a great perspective on the whole question--with your desire to impact people's lives for Jesus. i know he'll lead you where he wants you.

At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just want to say hey and I like you blog -- keep it up.


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